Worthing Lifeboat Town

Local & Social History Books

By Rob Blann

Vintage Worthing:
Images of a Lifeboat Town
Vintage Worthing: Images of a Lifeboat Town Vintage Worthing makes essential reading for those interested in Worthing's history, both onshore and offshore. It is the third of a trilogy of books written by Rob Blann to commemorate Worthing's involvement with lifeboats, the three volumes together forming an illustrated record of the town's seafaring community and much, much more. Details of the other two earlier books can be found on the inside back cover.

Using a central theme of Worthing's lifeboat service and the people involved, Vintage Worthing seeks to explore the social development and expansion of the town as well as providing a unique pictorial record of the era.

The book guides the reader through many notable and memorable events spanning thirty years from the start of the First World War to the end of the Second World War. It contains thirteen chapters, beautifully illustrated with 276 authentic period photographs, most of which are being published for the first time. It also includes numerous 'Then' and 'Now' photographs to demonstrate how lives and times have changed.

Available from Rob Blann

E-mail: rob@rob-blann.com
Tel: 01903 246587
Mob: 07977 098690
or Post:Monkey Puzzle Cottage
64 Rose Walk
West Sussex
BN12 4AT

Part of the proceeds are donated to the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution), a voluntary body relying entirely upon public donations.


3rd London Infantry Brigade, 54
4th Worthing (Broadwater) Girl Guides, 64
12th Sussex (Southdown MT) Battalion, 122
57th Home Counties Brigade, 87
228th (H) Sussex Field Battery, 86
A Town's Pride, 58, 132
A Town's Pride, public house, 133
AA Patrolman, 62
Abbot's Close, 80
Air Cadets, 115
Air Defence Cadet Corps, 115
air raid shelter, 121
Air Training Corps, 115
Aldridge, F J, 47
Alert, tug, 37
Amateur Boat Club, 97, 100, 101
Ambrose Place, 40
Andrew Gibbs Ltd, London, 97
Ann Street, 8
Aquarena, 5, 7, 25
Arcade, 10, 54, 57, 58, 63, 70, 99
Armitage Blind Home, 94, 129, 130
Arseneau, D, Fireman, 65
Art Gallery, 46
Artillery Corp, 107
Ashwood Close, 11
Assembly Hall, 106, 118
Augusta Place, 55
Austin 16 police ambulance, 88
Auxiliary Fire Service, 122
Avian, 86
Avon, Humphrey, 100
Baker, Betty, 64
bandstand, 21, 57, 58, 81, 84, 91, 102
Baring, Sir Godfrey, 26, 70, 72
Barnes Café, 70
Barnes, Major, Councillor, 65
Barnett, J R, 52
Bart, MP, 26
Bashford, Charlie, 79, 90
Bashford, George, 114
Bashford, W, 91
Bashfords, 54
Bath Hotel, 70, 71, 77
Bath Place, 68
Bath Road, 77
Baxter, Raymond, 133
Beach Hotel, 58
Beach House Park, 56
Beach House, 7, 56, 106
Beachcomber, 132
Beachfield, 5
Bedford Row, 100
Bell, Charles, Messrs, 107
Belton, W, 91, 92
Belville, John (author's great, great, great grandfather), 60
Benn, George, 54
Benskins, Gerald Stewart, Lieut-Com, 78
Berkeley Hotel, 67
Bishop of London, 36
blackout precautions, 121
blacksmiths, 32
Blackwells, gents outfitters, 108
Blaker, Arthur, 80
Blann, Bill (author's father), 67, 107, 108, 114, 115
Blann, Bill (author's great uncle), 6, 14, 18, 27, 37, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 53, 54, 55. 60, 68, 70, 72, 80, 102, 114
Blann, Bill, Junior (son of author's great uncle), 39
Blann, Fanny (author's great, great grandmother), 60
Blann, Harry (author's great grandfather), 27, 37, 39, 53, 70
Blann, Harry (author's uncle), 65, 119
Blann, Louis (Jim), 53, 128
Blann, Mabel (now Foggett), 67
Blann, Rob (author), 133
Blann, Tom (author's great, great grandfather), 53, 58, 60
Blenkins, Gerald S, Lieut-Com, 79, 82, 90
bombing, 118
Bootsie & Snudge, 107
Botting, Alan, 65
Bowater, Sir T Vansittart, 66
Boyd, Dorothy, 98
Brackley, Alderman A E, Mayor, 119
Brackley, Councillor, 82
Brackley, E A, Councillor, 65
Bridge Nursery, 11
Brighton Belle, paddlesteamer, 45
Brighton Road, 3, 5, 7, 25, 56, 62, 73, 80, 106, 123
Brighton, 3
Bristow, Police Superintendent, 82
Britannia, Fishing Boat, 91, 92
British Compton 3/6, 99
British Legion, 86
British Motor Boat Club, 50
Broadwater, 67
Broadwater Bridge, 89
Broadwater Cemetery, 18
Broadwater Green, 24
Broadwater Road, 19, 124, 125
Broadwater Railway Bridge, 123, 126
Broadwater School, 24
Broadwater Street West, 24, 32, 75
Brooklands Boating Park, 116, 123
Brooklyn Road, 57
Brown, Harold, Chairman, 68
Brown, Otto, 20
Buckingham, A. W., 82, 90
Buckingham Road, 114
Budd, Councillor, 82
Burgess, Jack, 14,15
Burgess, James, Gunner, 16
Burnaby, Dave, 98
Butcher, C M, 80, 82
Byron Road, 92
Canal Lock, Shoreham, 68
Carmichael, H F, Alderman, Mayor, 68
Caroline Richardson, tubular boat, 47
Carr, Frank, 129
Carter, Percival, 3
Catherine Marsh's Convalescent Home, 5
Cave, L C H, 129
Central Fire Station, 42, 49, 65, 112, 122
Challis, Charlotte Mary, 39
Chandos Road, 15
Chapel Road, 2, 8, 35, 40, 46, 47, 52, 74, 86, 98, 106, 108, 110, 111, 120, 123, 126, 127, 129
Charlecote Road, 42, 49, 122
Charmandean Private School, 94
Chessell, Joan, 65
Chesswood Road, 11
Chief Inspector, Dutch Lifeboat Society, 38
Child, W, ambulance officer, 92
Christ Church, 16, 35
Christmas Party, fire brigade, 112
Church Walk, 39
circus elephant, 21
Cissbury Hill, 107
Claydon Court, 94
Clifton Road, 39, 115, 120
Climbing Monkeys, 20
Coastguards, 130
College Gardens, 123
Collier, Mabel, 65
Colls, B H, 87
Committee of Management, 26, 36, 52, 68
Conservative Working Men's Club, 107
Co-op Superstore, 123, 126
Connaught Hall, 36, 40
Connaught Theatre, 52, 100, 107
Connolly, Reginald, 80
Convent of the Holy Rood, 103
Coronation Dance, 108
Coronation Hall, 47, 48
Coronation, 108
Cowles-Voysey, J, architect, 87
Crockhurst Hill, 43
Cross Street, 84
Crown House, 42
Czar Nicholas, 3
Damp, Bertha, 64
Davies, Doug, 83
Dawson, Dorothy, 83
Dawson, Harold, 98
Dear, PC Bill 'Tiny', 77
Dell, Alfred O, 22, 23
Dennis Escape Unit, 42
Denton Gardens, 56, 62, 101, 106
Denton Motors, 49
Denton, Alderman James Gurney, 56, 106
Devonia, paddlesteamer, 45
Dick, D, 82
Dick, D L, 82
Dickinson, Captain E G Murray, 35
Dolphin Lodge, 2
Dome Cinema, 10, 38, 41, 42, 47, 48, 52, 78, 94, 97, 100, 102, 103
Douglas, Lord, 50
Down View Hotel, 105
Down View Road, 105
Down View Terrace, 33
Downlands Hotel, 121
Dreadnought, 4
drunkeness, 27
Duchess of Portland, 46
Duffield, Alderman H T, Mayor, 98,100
Duke and Duchess of York, 58
Duke of Northumberland, lifeboat, 47
Dunford, A, 39
Dunhill, Eddie, 130
Durrington Hill, 32, 75
Durrington Institute, 82
Durrington Lane, 22, 24
Durrington School, 69
Durrington, 66, 110
D'Eath, Councillor, 65
East Preston Public Assistance Institution, 87
Edwardian Worthing, 96, 132
Edwards, Edward William, 28
Edwin, H L, 60
Electricity Board, 110
Elliott, Broadwater, 39
Ellis, Evie, 64
Elm Grove School, 64, 65, 83
Endeavour, galley, 100
Ethel Marie, 16
Farquarson-Whyte, Alderman J, Mayor, 35
Feest, Greengrocer, 25
Ferring, 37, 101, 105
Ferring Lane, 101
Ferring Street, 33
Ferringham Lane, 105
Fifty Shilling Tailors, 114, 115
Findon Road, 43
Findon, 110
fire, 31, 96
Fire Brigade Committee, 65
fire brigade, 16, 42, 49, 65, 110, 112
fire engine, 123
firemen, 83
First Battle Squadron, 3
fish market, 73
Fishermen's Church, 17
Flag Day, 68
floods, 73
Foch, Marshall, 35
Ford Baico, 42
Forest, W, 64
Frank Sandell & Sons, 58
Fraser, Bill, Bootsie & Snudge,107
Fraser, W Simpson, 107
Frost, Alderman William Thomas, Mayor, 58
Frost, Marion, 47
Frost, W T, Alderman, Mayor, 67
Fuller, Les, 133
Garry Smart's Amusements, 58
glasshouse nursery, 24
Gloucester Place, 114
Goldfinch, Chief Officer, 12
Goring, 14, 15, 66, 110
Goring by-pass, 107
Goring Hall Estate, 108
Goring Lane, 33
Goring Way, 107
Grafton House, 59
Grafton Mansions, 59
Grafton Road, 16, 17
Graham Road, 114
Grand Avenue, 2, 63, 116, 118
Great Depression, 78
Greenwich Maritime Museum, 128, 129, 131, 132
Grey, Anne, 98
Grout, Les, 83
Groves, James, 50
Guildbourne Centre, 8, 61
Gunter, Rowland, Labourer, 80
Gypsy Moth, 86
HMS Dryad, 6,
HMS Niger, 6
HMS Pathfinder, 6
Haddocks, F, Deputy Coroner, 79
Hales, S, 82
Half Brick Inn, 40, 67, 73
Half Moon Lane, 33
Hall & Co, hauliers, 36, 78, 83
Ham Bridge Halt, 11
Ham Road Garage, 104
Hargood, Harry, 4, 26, 27, 30, 35, 36, 39, 47, 52, 54, 58, 68, 70, 72, 106
Hargood, William, Admiral, 70
Harrison, William, Private, 16
Hasler Estates, 108
Hawkins, Thomas Ernest, Councillor, 82
Heene Road, 116
Heene Terrace, 70
Heinkel III Grief, 117
Henty Arms, Ferring, 79, 101
High Street, 42, 65, 122
Hills, A E, 92
Hillview, 28
Holloway, 82
Holy Trinity School, 42
Home Guard, 122
Homefield Park, 108
Horn, Grace, 65
Horne, Gladys, 64
horse-drawn coal deliveries, 78
horse-drawn milk float, 127
horse-drawn wagon, 88
Hospital, Worthing, 10
Hotel Metropole, 2
Howard Street, 87
Howden, Julian, 80
Howden, Kenneth, 78, 79, 82, 90
Humphrey, H, Sub/Officer, 65
Humphreys, G, fireman, 65
Hunt, A A, Sergeant, 87
IKC's Grocery Warehouse, 123, 126
International Store, 95
Ivy Arch Road, 125
Jacko, 16
Jackson, Joyce, 83
Jacobs, Rita, 65
Jago, Fireman, 65
Jellicoe, Sir John, Admiral, 3
John Compton Organ, 98
John Cooper's Garage, 33
John Selden Inn, 33
Jolly Sailor, 1
Jones, H J Chief Officer, fireman, 65, 122
Jubilee Procession, 110
Jumna, tug, 16
Kenneth and Gerald, rescue boat, 82, 90, 102, 114
Kenny Baker & the Riverside Jazz Band, 133
Kinahan, Lady, 129
Kinahan, Sir Harold, Vice-Admiral, 129
King George V, 3
King Street, 120
King, Joyce, 83
Kings Hill, schooner, 14, 15, 16
Kingston, 79
Kinsholt, Kathy, 64
Knight Errant, Motor Boat, 130
Knight, Councillor, 65
Kove, Kenneth, 98
Kursaal, 10, 47, 48
Ladies Guild of the RNLI, 46
Lalla Rookh, barque, 28, 58
Lambeth, Charles, 18
Lamont, Molly, 98
Lancaster Bomber, 116
Lancing College, 86
Lansdowne Road, 78, 88
Lavender Sanitary Laundry, 9
Lavengra, launch, 50
Leafy Lane, 22
Level Crossing, West Worthing, 92
Leyland, Commander, 82
Library, 31, 46
Lido, 21
Lifeboat Day, 60, 98
Lifeboat Flag Day, 36
lifeboat house, 80, 94, 102, 114, 128, 129, 130, 132
lifeboat station, 53
Lifeboat Sunday, 60
Literary Institute, 104
Little High Street Drill Hall, 92
Littlehampton boatmen, 45
Littlehampton Road, 124
Littlehampton, 16, 34
Liverpool Road, 97, 98, 114
Loader, Robert, 100
Local Board of Health, 66
Lohs, Ober-Leutnant Johann, 35
Luder, Richard, 65
Luff's Sweet Shop, 32
Lyndhurst Garage, 10
Lyndhurst Road, 10
Lyne, A, 2nd Officer, 65
Manville, Jack, 65
Marine Hotel, 58, 61, 63, 110
Marine Parade, 128, 95
Marine Place, 110
Marks & Spencer, 59, 95
Marlborough Hotel, 95
Marlborough House, 59
Marshall brothers, 1
Marshall, Harry, 6, 14, 16, 18, 36, 41
Mason, Councillor, 82
Mayor and Mayoress of Greenwich, 129
Mayor, 35, 52, 82
Mayoress, 37, 82
memorial, 48
meteor, 92
Military Services Act of 1916, 30
Mill Road, 63, 80, 123
Miss England III, 91
Mitchell's Café, 98
Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court, 82
Montague Place, 62
Montague Centre, 100
Montague Street, 29, 32, 62, 98, 99, 104, 107, 114, 121
Moody's Motors, 78
Moreton, Mercia, 98
Morton, Doctor, 15
Mulberry Lane, 107
Municipal Orchestra, 98
Museum, 46
Netley Hospital, 16
New Broadway, 33, 92
New Parade, 5
New Street, 114, 132, 133
New Theatre Royal, 68
Newhaven Harbour, 6
Newlands Road, 89
Newman, George, 53
Nore, lightship, 50
Norfolk Hotel, 89, 126
North Street, 35, 52, 107, 108
Oaklands Farm Dairy, 127
Odd Fellows Hall, 115, 120
Odeon Cinema, 97, 98, 99, 100, 118
Offington Corner, 43
Offington Hall Lodge, 43
Offington Lane, 43
Offington Park, 54, 108
Olby, A G, Yachtsman, 114
Old Tower Brewery, 83
Onslow Court, 123
Otto Brown's Funfair, 72
Owers, lightship, 66, 68
Pace, Andrew, 83
paddlesteamer, 45, 76
Pages Corner, 104
parade, 101
Paine, Reg, 79, 82, 90, 91, 102
Paine, Robert C, Boat Club Chairman, 90
Paragon Street, 59
Park Road, 10, 49
Pashley, Cecil, 86
Pavilion Car Rental, 133
Pavilion Theatre, 20, 58
Pennicott, Superintendent, 38
Peres, Brity, 83
Philips, H L, Major, 68
Picturedrome Cinema, 52, 78, 97, 100, 107
Pier Hotel, 58, 61, 110
Pier Pavilion, 20, 58, 59, 66, 73, 81, 102, 107, 108, 118
pier, 1, 6, 10, 20, 32, 41, 45, 47, 52, 54, 59, 63, 66, 76, 91, 96, 106, 122, 128, 130
Pierre Antonine of Naples, 37
Plaza, 97, 98, 99, 100, 116
Pleasance, Ailene, 65
Portland House, 31
Portland Road, 59
Poulters Lane, 22
Power, Joan, 133
Power, Simon, 133
Prentice, Captain, 3
Prince Albert Convalescent Home, 58
Prince George, 86, 87
RNLI, 6, 16, 18, 26, 30, 35, 40, 46, 47, 52, 53, 54, 60, 68, 70, 72, 82, 98, 106, 114, 128, 130, 132
Radioline Ltd, 108
Railway Approach, 89, 123, 126
Railway Station, West Worthing, 63
Railway Station, Worthing, 128
Randell, Doris, 65
Randolph, A F, Lieutenant-Colonel, 98
Rathbone, Flight Commander, 2
regatta, 41, 91, 98, 100
Regatta Committee, 45
Rescue Boat Appeal, 80
Rescue Boat Committee, 81, 82, 97
Rescue Boat Fund, 102
Richard Coleman, lifeboat, 4, 6, 12, 13, 15, 28, 30, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44, 53, 54, 55, 57, 60, 66, 67, 70, 102, 114, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133
Richmond Road, 31
Riddles, Charles 'Punch', 87
Riddles, George, 18
Ringmer Road, 119
Ritz Cinema, 40, 100
Rivoli Cinema, 54, 78, 86, 94, 97, 100, 108
Roberston, Sir William, Field Marshall, 48
Rodocanachi, J E, Major, 87
Rohilla, hospital ship, 6
Rose Walk, 78
Rosemary Mount, 11
Rowland, Ronald, 80
Rowlands Road, 97, 116
Rowson, Gordon Brown, 79
Royal Engineers, 36
Royal Hotel, 10, 58
Royal Naval Air Service, 2
Royal Navy's Home Battle Fleet, 3
Royal Pavilion, Brighton, 29
Runciman, Sir Walter, 50
Ruskin Road, 22
Salvington Road, 32, 33, 69
Samets Family, 130
Santa's Workshop, 98
Sea Lane, Goring, 79
Seagrave, Sir Henry, 91
Seaplane, Naval, No. 115, 2
Searle, Ernest, 10
Searle's Motor Show, 104
Searle's Taxi, 49
Seebold, Carl, 48, 52, 68, 78, 94, 97
Selden Lane, 39
Selden Lodge, 106
Selden Road, 106
Selsey Motor Lifeboat, 68
Sexton Cup, 100
Shamrock II, 39, 40
Shaw, Harold, 83
Shaw, John, 74
Shirala, steamship, 34
Shoreham Aerodrome, 86
Shoreham Boatyard, 114
Shoreham Camp, 16
Shoreham Harbour, 6, 68
Shoreham lifeboat, 79
Short, Ron, 83
Silly Symphony, 98
Silver Jubilee, 107
Sim, Linda, 133
Sim, Peter, 133
Simmons, Margaret, 83
Simpson, Bertha, 64
Simpson, Fred, 42
Simpson, Pauline, 64
Simpson, W, Messrs, 90
Sines, Portuguese steamer, 66
Smith, Harry, 16
Smiths, W H, 133
soldiers, 19, 29
soldiers, Indian, 29
Sompting, 110
Sompting Road, 121
Sorcha, submarine chaser, 102
South Farm Road, 16, 18, 84, 108
South Street, 32, 35, 58, 61, 63, 79, 99, 129, 131
Southampton Launch Works, 102
Southdown Bus, 65
Southdown Bus No. 5, 116
Southern Aero Club, 100
Southern Pavilion, 96, 97, 106
Spencer, G E, 90
Splash Gold Challenge Cup, 50
Splash Point, 30, 56, 82, 97, 100, 101, 116
sports day, 7
St. Anselms Road, 109
St. Dunstan's School, 103
St. George's Road, 80
St. Mary's Farmhouse, 22
St. Ronan's School, 123
Stanhoe Hotel, 55
Station, West Worthing, 33
Station, Worthing 31, 129
Stenning, Leonard, 62
Steyne Gardens, 30, 50
Steyne Hotel, 61
Steyne School, 3, 5, 7
Stirling, leading telegraphist, 2
Stoke Abbott Road, 35, 89, 103, 106
Stone Mr., teacher, 42
Stonham, Peter, architect, 58
storms, 3, 12, 37, 39, 50, 60, 67, 96
street party, 119
Stubb, J E Kynaston, Lieut-Colonel,
Mayor of London, 66
Stubbs, F, 33, 84, 85
Sullivan, Tim, 79, 90
Sunbeam, 77
Sunny Snaps, 62
Surrey Street, 29
Sussex Fishery Officer, 27
Sussex Road School, 107
Symonds, H W, Councillor, 65
Tabernacle, 74
Tarring Road, 28, 33, 92, 108
Tarring, 67, 100, 110
Tate, Francis, stonemason, 35
Taylor, W, fireman, 65
Telconia, cable ship, 68
Territorials, London Cyclist Regiment, 15
Teville Gate, 126, 127
Teville Road, 108, 109
The Adventurers, 82
The Broadway, 78
The Storm Warriors, 47
Theatre Royal, 16
Thompson, Evelyn, 78
Thorneycroft, John I, & Co Ltd, 80, 81, 82, 90
Thornycroft, R., 50
tidal wave, 67
timber works, 31
Tisree, 46
Titnore Lane, 124
Tourist Information Office, 46
Town Hall, 35, 36, 48, 54, 61, 74, 79, 86, 89, 106, 111, 120
Trinity Football Club, 64
Trollope & Colls Ltd, 87
U-boat UB 57, 35
Union Place, 107
Upper Brighton Road, 121
V E Day, 118
Vaughan, S, fireman, 65
W D and C G (of the Buffs), 18
Wades Garage, 2, 8
Walking the Greasy Pole, 35
Wallace Avenue, 79
Walt Disney, 98
War Weapons Week Parade, 120
Warner, Eric, 65
Warne's Hotel, 26, 30, 50, 51, 61, 118
Warren Road, 43
wartime parade, 31
Warwick Road, 62, 83
Warwick Street, 111
Watkins, S., fireman, 65
Watson, G L, & Co, 52
Watts, F A, Alderman, Mayor, 80, 90
Welch, Lizzie, 64
Welch, Winnie, 64
Wells, E, 91
Wells, John, 54
Wemyss, Admiral, 35
West Buildings, 27
West Sussex County Asylum, Graylingwell, 27
West Tarring Church, 60
West Tarring Infants School, 69
Western Place, 102, 119
Weston, H, architect, 98
Westwood, H, 87
Wheatsheaf, public house, 31
Whinney, Son and Austen Hall, architects, 99
White, Alderman J, Mayor, 16
White, C., 80
White, Inspector, 38
White, J Samuel, & Co, 52
Whittington, Councillor, 65
Wilde, Oscar, 50
Williams, A R T, Commander, 68
Williams, A S, Chief Constable, 86
Wingfield, Henry, 99
Winterton, Earl, MP, 68, 110
Winterton, Lord, 86, 98
Woodside Road, 35
Worker's Union, 11
Workhouse, 87
Worthing Amateur Boat Club, 82
Worthing Corporation, 47
Worthing Development Company, 58
Worthing District Nursing Association, 72
Worthing Football Club, 35
Worthing Gazette, 12, 16, 86, 90
Worthing Guide 1932, 76
Worthing Lifeboat Establishment, 70
Worthing Lodge, 52
Worthing Museum, 106
Worthing Pier Company, 47
Worthing Rescue Boat, 100
Worthing Sussex County Council, 72
Worthing Swimming Club, 72, 91
Worthing Town Council, 45
Worthing Yacht Club, 130
Wright, Edna, 65
Wright, Muriel, 83
Wykeham Road, 46
York Road, 30

Copyright © 1980 - 2025 Rob Blann. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Rob Blann.